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Baby Hacks to Save the Day

Baby Hacks to Save the Day

Everyone you meet prior to having your baby, during your pregnancy and after you give birth will give you advice, it’s a given and a part of the process. Some advice is great, some not so great (and quite often, unsolicited).

However, we have got some advice for you that will definitely not lead you astray and will definitely help save the day on a number of occasions!

Here are 15 of our best hacks for new parents!

1. A toothbrush – the perfect teething toy!

It may sound a little premature, but a soft baby toothbrush is a great solution for your sore bub’s gums. They’ll love the feeling and also continue to develop their fine motor skills when holding on to the handle. Plus, they’ll come to understand brushing their teeth earlier.. hopefully meaning less resistance when the time comes to brush them for real!

2. Entertainment at Change Time

Handing your little one a toy to play with while you change their nappy is a given, however, try putting a small toy or interesting object under their shirt on their chest instead. It will become even more interesting and in turn, even more distracting as they take their time trying to remove it to play with.

3. Save Time with Laundry

Forget folding their clothes in to neat piles to make their drawers insta-worthy. The best solution for a nursery is baskets in the drawers or cupboard that you can then simply put their clothing in: one for onesies, one for pants, one for singlets etc. Babies won’t notice if these items are wrinkled.. plus they will be changed more than once per day so why bother anyway!

4. Eliminate Blow Outs

Going up an extra size in nappies will almost completely eliminate blow outs!

5. Teaching Manners from Day 1

When your child is learning to speak, ask questions with the “thank you” and “please” built in. Eg: ‘Would you like more? Yes please? Or no thank you?” This preinstalls manners as they learn and grow.

6. Traveling with Baby Made Easy (Easier!)

Pack your baby’s outfits in separate ziplock bags and label them with their intended day. This will help your suitcase stay organised and you stay sane with all the other things sure to arise when taking your baby on a trip!

7. Make Nail Cutting Easier

Cut your baby’s nails 20 minutes after they have fallen asleep. You’ll have a much, much easier time with a more willing participant!

8. Dummy Storage

Use small tupperwear or plastic take-away containers to store dummies in your baby bag. As a further step, have one labelled as used and one as clean so you don’t mix them up. 

Find our favourite dummy (on sale!) here.

9. Administer Medicine with Ease

If your baby needs a dose of medicine, simply pierce a small hole in the tip of a baby bottle lid. When your baby is happily sucking away, stick the medicine dropper in to administer the dose. Genius!

10. Remove Cradle Cap

Moisturise your baby’s head with coconut oil and use a baby comb to gently and gradually remove the flaking skin.

Our favourite skincare range is by Gilly Goat. It's approved by the Australian Eczema Association! Check it out here.

11. Painting Creams

Use a soft makeup brush to ‘paint’ nappy cream on your baby to avoid getting it on your hands and ensure it gets to all the places it needs to. 

12. Easy Access Bibs

Put a 3M hook on the back of your baby’s high chair so you can hang bib’s from it and are never frantically searching for one.

We have so many great bibs including catch bibs (aka lifesavers) and bandana bibs for teething bubs. View the range here.

13. Getting Social

This one isn’t so much of a hack as it is a tip – these days, it pays to get in early with securing social media handles. Sign your baby up to the main sites with their name so it is locked in for if and when the time comes and their user name isn’t @namename13726358574656 …. Assuming social media is still a thing in the future!

Speaking of, do you follow us on Instagram? If not, what are you waiting for! 


14. Must Have Baby Bag Item

There’s so many things to bring with you in your baby bag that this one often gets forgotten: a clean top for yourself! Save yourself from spit up and breast milk leakage by having a simple top on standby.

Looking for a baby bag to suit all of your needs? We have a huge selection bound to suit! Have a look here and send through any questions you may have! We love to help!

15. Apparently this works…

Apparently, you can lower the chance of your baby peeing on you while you are changing their nappy by wiping a wet wipe across their belly, just under the belly button, prior to opening their nappy. This prompts them to pee before you are exposed to it.

These hacks are great tips and will definitely come in handy, but a few items along the way will also make life a whole lot easier. Here are our Top 5:

Baby Products to Make Your Life Easier

Baby luno Nordic Footmuff Pram Liners

Forget staying inside when the weather cools down or blankets that slide off, the baby luno Nordic Footmuff is the answer to your prayers. Fitting every pram and available in a range of colours and patterns, this one is for everyone.  

Read more about why a baby luno Nordic Footmuff is necessary for your bub and have all of your baby luno Nordic Footmuff questions answered!


Pram Caddies

Store essential items in a pram caddie so they are always within arms reach when you need them, saving you time from searching through your baby bag or carrying your baby bag with you when only popping out for a short period of time.

The Universal Pram Organiser from Storksak is a constant sellout for a reason, while the crossbody bag from Baebina combines the functionality of a pram caddie with the ability to also be a handbag!


Baby Nests

Baby nests make life easier with a newborn by providing a natural and chemical free space for your bub to rest in. A portable crib to take anywhere in the household so you can keep an eye on your baby during nap-time, it is even easy to take with you when travelling. A must-have baby product for the first few months!

We have a whole range of baby nests available in various colours to suit any nursery style.

Swaddles - Never Enough Swaddles

Trust us, you will always need another swaddle. Our pick is the baby luno Essential Blanket, named Essential because it serves so many needs.

Use the extra large sized swaddle for: a breathable, light summer blanket, a warm blanket in winter, a bassinet sheet, a change-pad cover, a pram cover, a car-window shade, a breastfeeding cover, a scarf for mum, a tummy-time mat, a burp cloth, a comforter, a bib, a wipe, a tea-towel and more!

Maternity Leggings

This one is for you, mama! Look after yourself during pregnancy and in postpartum with quality support wear.

From shorts to 3/4 leggings and full length leggings, we have options to suit all needs and taste. 

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